Pictures of my cats

On May 12th, 1999, Chessnut was put to sleep due to Kidney failure. His body was starting to shut down, and we decided it was time to let him go. He was a wonderful cat and brought 15 years of enjoyment to our lives. He was one of the most friendly and good-natured cats you could find. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the pictures of the cats. :)

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This is a picture of Goldie while she was sitting on my pillow in the sun. Awww, isn't she cute? :)

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Here's a picture of Goldie while she's sleeping. Actually, when this picture was taken, it was almost as dark as could be. Amazing how good these digital cameras are getting.

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Here's a picture after I woke her up from the previous picture. She's closing her eyes because of the flash, obviously. I bet she's thinking, Damn it, I wish this dog would stop taking pictures of me.

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This is a picture of Chessnut while he is sitting on my bed.

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Here's a picture of Chessnut sleeping in this dresser-type thing we have. He was actually sick that day, so he decided to camp out there to get away from me. Judging by the picture, he didn't hide well enough. :)

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Here's a picture of Chessnut just before a job interview. As you can tell, he has his tie on already. :)

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Here's a picture of both of them sleeping together. They usually don't like sleeping together, but this picture was taken in January, so they were together to keep warm more than likely.

Anyhow, I hope you all enjoyed my cat pictures. In case you didn't notice, you can click the image for a larger view. When I say larger, I *DO* mean larger. :)